Monday, June 16, 2008

Ice Cream Days Parade

Last weekend was the LeMars Ice Cream Capital of the World's Ice Cream Days. We didn't attend most of the festivities. But we did walk in the parade for our MOPS group handing out candy and fliers to Mother's of Preschoolers who might benefit from joining. I was doing it mostly to support MOPS, but the kids actually had SO MUCH FUN! All their friends were shouting at them along the way - they just loved it. They can't wait for next year. Here is a picture of all of us who participated. (Poor Lizzie's face is blocked)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dance Recital!

Last weekend was dance recital weekend. Erica was the only one of our girls in dance this year. She did so great, even though she came down with a bad cold the day before. I found out Thursday night that her tap partner wouldn't be there for the Saturday performance, and I was sick to my stomach. There were lots of moves that you do with a partner that were SOOOO cute! And I was back stage Mom for the Friday performance, so I didn't get to watch that one from the front. I recorded these below from the Saturday performance, but I splurged and bought the Friday performance DVD so I'd have the one with all the kids present.

Anyway, back to Erica's partner being gone. Apparently Erica already knew about it and had practiced without her. It didn't bother her one single bit, so I really had to hide my anxiety/disappointment. I shouldn't have worried - Erica did SOOO great! We were so proud of her. Enjoy!

Ballet - I love the part where they did sign language!

Tap - this is the one where her partner is missing. Erica is on the far right through most of it, I didn't zoom in enough - but you can still see her movements!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Three Months Later

Okay, I'm ashamed. I can't believe it's been three months since I've posted - so much for becoming a blogger. So much has happened in the past 3 months...or actually I should say 6 months - I feel like I'm really behind on things! Instead of trying to catch up right now, I'm just going to start with current things and post some of the girl's spring activities and craziness.

Emily's Piano Recital, Mother's Day 2008

Erica's Preschool Year-End Program, May 6 2008

Erin's School Concert, April 2008

Erin's Track Meet, May 12, 2008

Lizzie's High School Musical 2 Debut

My kids acting CRAZY...

And we have an addition to our family - meet Zeke: