Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Wow, it's been a long time again since I've blogged. Since one of my first blog entries 2 years ago was our trip to the Pumpkin Patch, what better reason to share some pictures from our trip this year.

We take the "how tall this fall" pics nearly every year...

And even made Erin do it. :)

Climbing the bails...
Walking toward the maze.

Erica holding a bunny.

Emily and the turtle...

Lizzie, not enjoying the turtle.

Erin and the kitty...

Lizzie was just messing around on the bales as we waited for Erin and Emily to finish up the corn maze. She yelled, Mom - take a picture of me jumping, so I did!



Erica also hanging out on the bales...striking a pose.

And the annual goofy picture of Daddy. :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Parade and Lemonade

Last weekend was Ice Cream Days, here in LeMars, Iowa - the Ice Cream Capital of the World.  Elizabeth was one of twelve finalists in a contest for the LeMars Chamber of Commerce brochure cover, and they decided to make the 12 finalists "Little Ambassadors".   They started off the year by riding the firetruck in the Ice Cream Days parade.  They have several other activities planned with other parades and holiday events.
Each child had to have an adult with them - so, lucky Mom.  We sat on fire hose in the hot sun.  Lizzie wasn't too hip on waving, so I had to help her out.

Some parade watchers.  :)  Erin, Erica, Anna (Erin's friend), and Emily

Here are 8 of the 12 kiddos in their reserved rest-of-the-parade-watching spots.

And what better place to have a lemonade stand on a hot Father's Day, than right on the 3rd green of the golf course.  Emily, Erica, and the neighbor kids Carter and Leah made $6 in about 30 minutes, before the clouds rolled in.

Here's an update to my previous blog entry...I checked in on the nest again...and there is a new egg!  Zeke goes crazy barking at this tree every minute he's outside - grr.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sights from around our home

Four helicopters together are really loud.  One evening it sounded like we were being attacked, and we looked out our kitchen slider to see this overhead:  I don't know the correct military verbage...but we believe they were flying from one training facility to another.

One day last week it was REALLY foggy. I stood on our deck and took this:

I was playing with my (inexpensive point and shoot) camera settings...these are dying flowers leftover from the dance recital.  Our blinds are in the background, but they are blurred together - some fancy camera technique.  I haven't been able to figure out how to do it since,  lol.

I don't even remember what type of flower this is, but I buy one every year because I think they are so pretty and unique - and every year they die right away.  But this one has had plenty of sunlight and water - and it seems to be thriving.

And lastly our dog has seemed awfully interested in our little Crabapple tree at the corner of our house.  The girls informed me that there was a nest in the tree, so I went out to investigate and this is what we found.  It's actually pretty amazing for the size of this tree.  It's shorter than I am...and only about the diameter of a large beach ball.   

Petunias in our front flower boxes:

Our day lillies.  This is their 3rd year in bloom.  I'm not sure if you can see all the buds without enlarging the photo (by clicking on it), but there are literally HUNDREDS of buds on these plants.  I can't even fathom what they are going to look like in a few more days, it amazes me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Myriad of videos from spring concerts and recitals

Emily's Piano Recital

Lizzie's Dance Recital She is second from the left

Erica's Ballet and Tap Recital pieces
She starts in the back middle

Emily's Ballet and Tap Recital pieces
She starts in the back middle
She starts in the front middle
Tumbling she starts at the far right, ends up doing the splits in front

Erin's Spring Concert, one song

Emily's Spring Concert, one song (they are wearing antennae, the bug picnic theme and all)

Elizabeth's Preschool year-end concert

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Girl Scout Awards and a name

Two weekends ago we had the Girl Scout Awards ceremonies with all the different troops in LeMars. Well, technically not all the troops - but my girls leaders are good ones, so they made sure to involve their troops.  Here are pictures from their troops' stage appearances.  Apparently I am one of the only mothers who believes in dressing their kids up for awards ceremonies like this.  Okay, we did just come from church - but still. (Yes, at our church most kids don't come in jeans or sweatpants.)
Erica - 2nd from the right.
Emily - in the dress:
Erin in the white capris:
And Lizzie accomplished a feat the same weekend.  She attended a birthday party for her friend Jacob and she signed her entire name on his card!  You may have to enlarge (click) the picture to see it.  She is a very neat writer for being an early 4.  It took her a long time and I'm sure she won't be doing it again anytime soon.  lol.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Basketball 2009

Just wanted to share a few pictures from the basketball season.  Mainly just to get something out here on my blog since I haven't updated it in forever!  Most of you probably have already seen these on Facebook though!

Erin's age group didn't have a lot of girls go out since a lot of the girls were in AAU Volleyball, but she still had fun. 

Emily is our little runner.  Her feet never stopped moving, she literally ran circles around everyone!

Erica loves to guard and rebound...she even scored a couple baskets the last game!  She's very agressive for a first year player.

The players and the princess.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Some Christmas Stuff

Okay, due to hanging out and posting stuff on Facebook a lot, I haven't done much with my blog...so here I am a little late, adding some Christmast stuff.

Santa came to us at Grandma's this year...