We have officially had our first prom! Well, only it wasn't an "official prom". It was the 2010 Girl Scout Prom! Erica and Emily were very excited to go, Erin opted out this time. Lizzie wasn't old enough, but she really wanted to go! It was fun getting them all ready, and I had some fun with my camera... So what better way to show off some new photos of the girls!

Emily - age 9

Erica - 7 1/2
(The braids were her idea - my creative child!)

Lizzie 5

Erin 11 .95

Okay, and this is just some new house stuff I got to go in our (used to be) bare entryway. :)
I thought you got new furniture too? Cute pictures of the girls.
Yeah...I'm waiting to post pics of the new furniture when it all arrives. Our custom ordered chair has not arrived yet. (I hope I like it) Then I still want to replace a picture on the wall too, before I take "official"pictures. lol.
There is a photo on my facebook profile of Lizzie for pajama day, she's sitting on a new couch. :)
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