Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pumkin Patch

We finally made it to the Pumkin Patch on the last day that it's open for the season. Prior to today, we were either gone or sick or it was rainy. We went to Harvest Hollow for the first time, they had lots to do and they each left with a tiny pumkin.

Here is one of the activities they had...these are called "Pedal Carts" you can see, Emily and Erica needed a bit of help, but Erin was a pro with Lizzie in the rear...

If you click on these photos they will enlarge, but they are really large, sorry about that...


gekoonce said...

Thanks for sharing! Love the Pumpkin Patch Pics!
Uncle Gene, Aunt Elaine, Ty & Peyton

gekoonce said...

Love the Halloween costumes! Too cute!
Great dance, Erica!
Love, GETP