Saturday, November 24, 2007

Oh Give Me a Home Where the Buffalo Roam

First of all - yes, Erica was fine after the fall in the previous blog. :) She just had a bruise on her leg.

This past summer we took a vacation to South Dakota. We spent some of our vacation watching some of the wildlife in the parks, and we were especially intrigued by the buffalo. We drove 10 hours to see buffalo, when behold, what do we have in our own "back yard"? (or up on the hill, rather. Click to enlarge)

This was the view I had from my kitchen window one day last week. I had taken a tour with Erica's preschool class a couple years ago to see these very same buffalo. But for some reason, I had forgotten they existed. The thought never crossed my mind while we were building our house - and I hadn't noticed them the first 4 months we lived in our house.

Strange how sometimes we don't see things that are right in front of our noses...

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