Thursday, July 31, 2008

Plymouth County Fair

Phew...glad to have the fair over.  It was my first fair manning the Tastefully Simple booth...and I had the entire fair.  None of the other consultants that I asked were able to help me out.  So...noon to 10pm every day for 5 days I was there.  Erin and Emily were with me most days - it was nice to have them help me carry stuff in every morning, and to be my gophers to get me pops and lunch and man the booth when I needed a bathroom break.

Friday night I was asked to do the "appetizers" portion of the Cooking School.  A lady named Candace had contacted me, and said that lots of people attend this school - and that it would be great advertising for me - I'd be mentioned in the Sioux City Journal, etc.  I couldn't really say no...although the thought of doing a demonstration in front of a crowd scared me pretty bad.

Well...Friday night I walked into a packed building with bleachers and chairs, about 300 people, along with news cameras.  Come to find out "Candace" was Candace from "Tony and Candace in the morning" on KSUX (pronounced K-Sioux) radio, and Michelle Stuhr from KTIV Channel 4 was also there as a special guest.  I about died...this was way bigger than I was expecting!  Needless to say I was extremely nervous when all eyes were on me...didn't say half of what I had planned to say up there...and even made a fool out of myself by opening a cheese ball packet with my teeth since I forgot my scissors!  At least I made it halfway cute by saying "Okay - don't look - I'm going to have to open this with my teeth!"  I got a good laugh...but still - how embarrassing!

I still had a good fair.  Sold over $2000 in inventory and made enough to pay off my business credit card.  Also had 19 people interested in having parties, so I should be busy for a while!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back to our Disney Vacation...

Since we don't have much new going on, I thought I'd go back to where I left off on our Disney vacation back in January. We were on Day 3, so here are some photo highlights from Animal Kingdom...

We started off the day with some character signatures...Lizzie was all about getting the signatures...but not interested in getting her picture taken with them.

We were thrilled to find Lilo - Lizzie's favorite character at the time...

The Nemo show was pretty cool, one that we hadn't seen before.

I tried so hard to get a good shot on this bridge, after like 10 shots, I gave up - here's the best one. Check out all the birds in the trees behind them...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our House and July 4th

I was just thinking a couple weeks ago how I probrably haven't really taken a picture of our house since we got the landscaping done, and the grass grown. So I went out the other morning and took a snapshot... (click to enlarge)

We live near the Fairgrounds, and on the 4th of July we can view the fireworks show from our driveway...
Grandpa and Grandma came for a visit over the holiday.

Fun with sparklers!