Thursday, July 31, 2008

Plymouth County Fair

Phew...glad to have the fair over.  It was my first fair manning the Tastefully Simple booth...and I had the entire fair.  None of the other consultants that I asked were able to help me out.  So...noon to 10pm every day for 5 days I was there.  Erin and Emily were with me most days - it was nice to have them help me carry stuff in every morning, and to be my gophers to get me pops and lunch and man the booth when I needed a bathroom break.

Friday night I was asked to do the "appetizers" portion of the Cooking School.  A lady named Candace had contacted me, and said that lots of people attend this school - and that it would be great advertising for me - I'd be mentioned in the Sioux City Journal, etc.  I couldn't really say no...although the thought of doing a demonstration in front of a crowd scared me pretty bad.

Well...Friday night I walked into a packed building with bleachers and chairs, about 300 people, along with news cameras.  Come to find out "Candace" was Candace from "Tony and Candace in the morning" on KSUX (pronounced K-Sioux) radio, and Michelle Stuhr from KTIV Channel 4 was also there as a special guest.  I about died...this was way bigger than I was expecting!  Needless to say I was extremely nervous when all eyes were on me...didn't say half of what I had planned to say up there...and even made a fool out of myself by opening a cheese ball packet with my teeth since I forgot my scissors!  At least I made it halfway cute by saying "Okay - don't look - I'm going to have to open this with my teeth!"  I got a good laugh...but still - how embarrassing!

I still had a good fair.  Sold over $2000 in inventory and made enough to pay off my business credit card.  Also had 19 people interested in having parties, so I should be busy for a while!

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