Monday, December 1, 2008


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Ours wasn't so great.  We didn't have any plans with family or friends.   Instead of spending a ton of money on food for only ourselves, we decided that we'd go to a restaurant for our Thanksgiving dinner.  Well, Wednesday night Brian got the stomach flu.  None of us left the house Thursday except for my failed attempt at finding a newspaper.  We had cinnamon rolls out of a can for Thanksgiving brunch, and pasta bake out of a box for supper.  The poor kids kept asking "where is our Thanksgiving dinner?"  Next year I'm going to be better prepared.   

Friday I got up at 4:00 and headed out the door by 4:40 to start my day of shopping.  Seven hours later I had my first morsel of food for the day at 11:30 at Sbarro.  I had a very productive day though!

Saturday night Brian felt a bit better, although a head/chest cold was beginning to settle in, so we decided to venture out for our postponed Thanksgiving dinner.  Sunday morning Brian woke up just as sick as ever with fever/cough/aches.   The girls and I went to church then came home and vegged out.  What a lovely weekend!   

None of the rest of us are sick - yet!

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