Last weekend was Ice Cream Days, here in LeMars, Iowa - the Ice Cream Capital of the World. Elizabeth was one of twelve finalists in a contest for the LeMars Chamber of Commerce brochure cover, and they decided to make the 12 finalists "Little Ambassadors". They started off the year by riding the firetruck in the Ice Cream Days parade. They have several other activities planned with other parades and holiday events.
Each child had to have an adult with them - so, lucky Mom. We sat on fire hose in the hot sun. Lizzie wasn't too hip on waving, so I had to help her out.

Some parade watchers. :) Erin, Erica, Anna (Erin's friend), and Emily
And what better place to have a lemonade stand on a hot Father's Day, than right on the 3rd green of the golf course. Emily, Erica, and the neighbor kids Carter and Leah made $6 in about 30 minutes, before the clouds rolled in.