Four helicopters together are really loud. One evening it sounded like we were being attacked, and we looked out our kitchen slider to see this overhead: I don't know the correct military verbage...but we believe they were flying from one training facility to another.
I was playing with my (inexpensive point and shoot) camera settings...these are dying flowers leftover from the dance recital. Our blinds are in the background, but they are blurred together - some fancy camera technique. I haven't been able to figure out how to do it since, lol.

I don't even remember what type of flower this is, but I buy one every year because I think they are so pretty and unique - and every year they die right away. But this one has had plenty of sunlight and water - and it seems to be thriving.

And lastly our dog has seemed awfully interested in our little Crabapple tree at the corner of our house. The girls informed me that there was a nest in the tree, so I went out to investigate and this is what we found. It's actually pretty amazing for the size of this tree. It's shorter than I am...and only about the diameter of a large beach ball.

I like day lilies. It looks so green there. Do you have to water much?
We haven't had to water much yet this's been pretty wet here.
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